Event Details Set Up Your Challenge Instance

Align the Review, Ideation and Communication to Drive Business Outcomes

You’re now ready to design your approach. Most people choose to design directly within Innovation Central so they can see how the challenge evolves from the perspective of the idea generators and the review team members. Key to this step is to ensure the review criteria, idea form, and challenge introduction align to support the business outcomes. If you’re not yet comfortable with Innovation Central, you can simply create a table like the one shown below. The Review Team will need to make sound decisions around top ideas. To make effective decisions, the ideas need to clearly describe the impact to the business outcome. For the Challenge Audience to describe the impact effectively, the idea form should be structured to prompt for the impacts. Finally, to put the Challenge Audience in the right frame of mind to ideate, the Challenge Audience needs a clear understanding of the business context.

Consider how the following examples align the outcomes, review criteria, idea form questions and challenge introduction: 

Business Outcome Review Criteria Idea Form Challenge Introduction Key Points 
Reduce travel expenses by $15M in this fiscal year 
  • Saves the greatest amount of money
  • Has the broadest impact
  • Easiest to implement 
How much $ do you think your idea will save? 
  • Why the reduction is needed
  • Current travel expenses by category
  • Understanding of what is underway 
Design our Next Mobile App to appeal to Millenials 
  • Greatest impact on current Millenial trends
  • Greatest opportunity to differentiate our company 
How does your idea specifically appeal to Millenials? 
  • Why we are targeting Millenials?
  • What we have in our current app
  • Guidance around key features for the app 

From your sponsor interview, you’ve got a clear understanding of how the ideas will be reviewed and the scope of ideas that will address the business need. You can use a simple table like the one above to clearly articulate:

  • The specific business outcome to be achieved
  • The review decisions, and therefore, criteria
  • The questions the idea generators need to answer on the idea form so the review team members will understand the ideas
  • How to frame the introduction so idea generators will clearly understand the desired outcome

Prepare to Configure the Challenge

Once you’ve articulated the outcomes & aligned the content, you’re ready to start configuring your challenge. The Foundational Challenge Playbook Template is pre-configured for a beginning challenge; we recommend you start by applying The Foundational Challenge Template in your challenge setup. Go here to learn more about how to apply the template.

Once you’ve applied The Foundational Challenge Playbook, the next step is to set up your Event Details.  Go here to learn more about Event Details. You’ll then be ready to build your content.