Page Location:Admin > Review Process Setup > Head to Head Reviews 
Playbook Section:Review & Decide

H2H for the assigned Review Teams is the default setting for Innovation Central. 

The Reviews section of the H2H Review Setup page includes a calculator, which is enabled by default, to show the recommended number of reviews that each Reviewer should complete. For most of the H2H use cases, there is no need to change any settings here. With the “Let IC update automatically” option selected, Innovation Central does all of the work. The numbers in the Innovation Central Generated Column are there just for your information; however, you can override this by de-selecting the “Let IC update automatically” option, and the Customized Values will then become editable.

In the example below, there may be 17 VPs participating in a review process, and the desired number of Ideas should equal the number of pairs per Reviewer. While this is many more reviews than are necessary, having more reviews is fine, and in fact, better. This will simply set the progress bar for the Reviewers at 22, and stop the reviews when each individual reaches 22 pairs.