Page Location:Admin > Review Process Setup > Review Team Tools > Ask an Expert 

Field Descriptions

Enable: Turns on the Ask an Expert feature so that it appears as an option on the Actions menu. Example

Default Request Instructions: The text that is displayed in the Instructions field on the Expert Review Request form. This text is created by the Innovation Central Consultant in Review Process Emails. The Reviewers can then use the default text as is, or type over it for a personalized message.

Default Request Deadline: Number of days from today in which the expert’s feedback should be submitted. This displayed on the Expert Review Request form in the date format DD MONTH YYYY.

Edit Guidance: Text to be displayed to the Expert when completing the Expert Review Request. HTML tags are permitted in this field. Example

Read Guidance: Text to be displayed to the readers of the submitted Expert Review.

Eligible Experts: Identifies the Expert review audience. 

  • All users: Allows all users with an Innovation Central profile to participate as Experts, even if they do not explicitly have access to the current challenge.
  • Everyone with access to the event: Expert review requests can only be sent to users granted access to the current challenge via Event Access.