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Admin > Email Setup > Contributor Emails

Contributor Emails include all notifications that are sent to those who participate in the challenge, including Idea and comment authors. Each email type contains a templated message that you can use as-is, or tailor with your own language. 

Idea Author Acknowledgment: Sent to Idea author on the day after the Idea is submitted, between the hours of 3:00 – 5:00 AM server time. When an author submits multiple Ideas on the same day, only one email message is sent, which includes a list of all Ideas submitted on the previous date.

Idea Co-Author Acknowledgment: Sent to Idea co-author on the day after the Idea is submitted, between the hours of 3:00 – 5:00 AM server time. When a user is named as co-author on multiple Ideas submitted on the same day, only one email message is sent, which includes a list of all Ideas submitted on the previous date.

Draft Idea Reminder: Email sent to remind authors when they have submitted draft Ideas to the system. This email is sent on two dates: the first is sent 7 days prior to the event close date, the second is sent two days prior to the event close date.

Event Closure Email: Email sent shortly after the event close date, notifying contributors of next steps. This email must be sent prior to finalizing and archiving the challenge. To open this email for editing, first choose a date.  The text editor will then appear to craft your message.

Field Descriptions

The following descriptions apply to all contributor email types.

Enable: When this notification is enabled, the email message will be sent according to the parameters defined above. When enabled, emails for all un-archived ideas that have not already been included in an acknowledgement email will be sent.  

Subject: Brief description of the email contents, displayed in the recipient’s email inbox as the subject line.

HTML vs Plain Text options: Choose to include HTML tags to allow for additional formatting options, or plain text to send email messages without any formatting. See Text Editor options below for more on text formatting options.

Body: Contents of the email message. Bracketed text in each templated message indicates where the system will automatically populate the email message from what is set in Event Details (for example, EVENT NAME).

Revert to Default: Click this button to return to the default email template language after making an changes to the default.

Send Test Mail: Click this button to send the email to specified addresses prior to the full audience send. When this function is initiated, identify email addresses for the recipients in the Enter Recipients dialog box, one email address per line.

Sender Name: Name the identifies the sender of the email message in the recipient’s email inbox. You may want to consider using the name of your challenge as the sender, or leave this field blank to use the default sender, “Innovation Central”.

Email Address: Address from which the email message is sent, and to which any return emails will be sent. Leave this field blank to accept the default, “[email protected]”.