Page Location:Admin > Assign Permissions > Security & Embargo 

This menu contains settings related to general challenge security. Read more About Security & Embargo 

Field Descriptions

Default Read Access 

Default Audience: Group that can read Ideas and comments by default. The Administrator, Oversight, Review Team Leader, Master Reviewer and Reviewer roles can restrict read access to individual Ideas and comments, regardless of the setting in this field.

  • Everyone: Everyone who has access to the challenge can read Ideas and comments by default.
  • Management and Above: Those with the Administrator, Review Team Leader, Master Reviewer, Reviewer, Executive, Oversight and Management roles, as well as the Idea author can read Ideas and comments.
  • Reviewer and Above: Those with the Administrator, Review Team Leader, Master Reviewer, Reviewer, Executive and Oversight roles, as well as the Idea author can read Ideas and comments.

Management Group Name: The group name “Management and Above” allows the Administrator, Oversight, Review Team Leader, Master Reviewer and Reviewer roles to manually restrict read access to the Management group. Leave this group name blank to allow these roles to only manually restrict read access to the “Reviewer and Above” group.

Submit Buttons

Idea: When enabled, this adds the Submit to Review Team Only button to the Idea Form. The standard Submit button is also available when this is enabled. Ideas submitted to the Review Team only are only readable by the Administrator, Review Team Leader, Master Reviewer, Reviewer, Executive and Oversight roles, as well as the Idea author. It’s recommended that this option not be used when there is no Review Team or when the challenge is only open to Special Roles.


  • Standard Submit Button: Enables the Submit button on the Comment Form, which applies the read access from the Idea to which the comment is attached (parent).
  • Submit & Submit to Review Team Only Buttons: Enables both the Submit and Submit to Review Team Only buttons on the Comment Form, allowing the submitter to choose whether to allow the entire audience to view the comment (Submit) or only the Administrator, Review Team Leader, Master Reviewer, Reviewer, Executive and Oversight roles (Review Team Only).
  • Submit Button with Automatic Access Restriction: Enables the Submit button on the Comment Form, but the comment takes the read access from the parent Idea while excluding access to the parent Idea author by name. This option is useful when the read access is limited to the Management group and allows private discussion.

Embargo is a restriction on read access to Ideas and comments.

Ideas: When enabled, access to newly submitted Ideas will be restricted for the number of days specified. The Administrator, Oversight, Executive, Master Reviewer, Review Team Leader and Reviewer roles can read Ideas under embargo. During the embargo period, the Administrator and Oversight roles can either permanently restrict access or release an Idea and any related comments. If no action is taken during the embargo period, then the embargo is lifted after the specified number of days and the Ideas with their related comments will become readable to the audience defined above.

Comments: When enabled, all comments are restricted indefinitely until manually released by the Administrator or Oversight role. This setting also applies to public comments submitted through reviews and Ask an Expert. [WHERE/HOW RELEASED?]


OpenSearch Engines: When enabled, OpenSearch engines can return results with content from