Page Location:  Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Collaboration Tools > 5-Star Voting 

5-Star Voting enables users to award a quick rating to Ideas on a 5-point scale. 5-Star Voting is anonymous and is accessed by users either directly within a specific Idea or via the Vote on Ideas page, where they can log votes for multiple Ideas on one page.

Participants can vote for any ideas, including their own ideas.

5 Star Voting is recommended an engagement tool, not a decision making tool.  

As an example, if you have a challenge with 200 ideas, it's unrealistic to expect each individual to read and rate all 200 ideas.  This means some ideas will be rated, some won't and the resulting data would be neither fair nor accurate for decision making.  A far better choice would be to use Head to Head for The Crowd if a broad decision making body is desired.

Where 5 Star Voting shines is as an engagement tool.  It's common for teams to either introduce or highlight 5 Star Voting after a challenge has already launched, inviting people to vote on ideas.  Many people are inspired by considering the ideas of others, and the perceived "ease" of offering an opinion.  What ultimately happens is these individuals often are inspired to contribute comments or ideas of their own.  Truly, that is what an Innovation Central Consultant is looking to drive - additional discussion by a wider audience.


Field Descriptions

Enable: Enabling the 5-Star Voting option activates the Rate this Idea button on the Actions menu.

Edit: Users can change their 5-Star votes when this option is enabled.

Guidance: Text that helps users understand the 5-Star Voting function. When 5-Star Voting is enabled, this text is always displayed, as in this example.