Page Location:Admin > Prepare For Your Event > Challenges 

 Use this page to create new Challenge Questions and manage existing Challenges.  

  • To create a new Challenge, click New Challenge to launch the New Challenge page.
  • To edit an existing Challenge, either in draft or final state, select the Challenge name to launch the Edit Challenge page.
  • To finalize a Challenge in draft state, select the Challenge name to edit the Challenge and then click Submit.

In this context, the Challenges are sub-questions which can be used to break down a large topic.  For example, the three questions within this introduction help focus the thinking of those participating.

Clarifying Broad Topics

Challenge Question Page

Clicking on the challenge question Increasing Efficiencies presents more details, some of the ideas posted towards this particular question and gives an opportunity to create a new idea.  Only those with the appropriate special roles see the Actions menu, not the standard participant.  

Challenge Questions are Optional

If your challenge has one main focus, using additional challenge questions is unnecessary.  The best practice with using Challenge questions is to only use them to break down broad topics to focus thinking and get higher quality ideas.  When using challenge questions, keep in mind there is only one idea form and one review process per instance.  This means if you need separate idea forms and separate review processes, then you also need separate instances.