Innovation Central Consultant: (You) The Innovation Central Consultant owns the challenge process within a company/business unit. This person has specialized knowledge of the challenge process and Innovation Central to effectively execute a challenge. The Innovation Central Consultant also has generalized knowledge/experience in project management and change leadership.

Challenge Sponsor: The Challenge Sponsor owns the business outcomes of the challenge. The Sponsor typically has access to the resources to execute on the top concepts resulting from the challenge. 

Challenge Audience: The Challenge Audience is the group of people invited to participate in the challenge. The Audience provides ideas, collaboration and opinions focused on the business outcome. 

Review Team: The Review Team has two roles. While the challenge is open to ideas and collaboration, the Review Team supports the Challenge Audience by collaborating and building out ideas. Once the challenge has closed, the Review Team then selects the top concepts to move forward. These top concepts are recommended to the Challenge Sponsor who has the final decision. 

Implementation Resources: Implementation Resources are those individuals who will execute on developing and implementing the concept. These individuals can be the idea generators, project managers, or someone else. The division of labor generally depends on the type of ideas (incremental or breakthrough) and the scope of the implementations. While idea implementation is out of scope for the typical challenge, it’s important to have a clear handover.