Setting up the Project Form

The Project Form is common to all projects. It's already populated with several commonly used fields, such as the sponsor and team members. You can change or remove these fields as well as adding your own, using the Customise Project view available on the Process Design tab, as shown below.

Note: It may be possible to import existing projects you  have in a spreadsheet format. Contact your Imaginatik Consultant to discuss this option.

You can modify the labels, field types and the layout of the project form, choosing from name fields, text boxes, drop-downs, date pickers, number fields or checkboxes. Number fields can be computed: the example below shows the Total Value field to be the sum of the Revenue and CostSavings fields, with other more complex examples also shown for Total Costs, ROI and IQR.

Finding, Viewing, and Editing Projects

Since projects are the common unit of work there are many ways to find, view, and edit them.

My Projects and Completed Projects show appropriate tables. Open Projects, illustrated below, shows summary graphs above a table. My Actions shows a table of assigned tasks across all projects.

Once it has been found, the project can be opened to a full-page view of all of the project's details, with a row of tabs which show Properties (common elements for all projects, used for aggregation and reporting), Ideas (imported from Innovation Central), Forms (specific checklists, covered later), Files (attached documents, such as PDF files or slide decks), the Wall (a chat-space, similar to Facebook), Actions, and Email.

With appropriate permissions, all of these are both viewable and editable. For example, the members of a project team would use this page to fill out forms, attach files, have discussions, and assign actions and send emails - in other words, all of the communication, documentation, and reporting tasks associated with their work on the project.

As well as being editable, projects can also respond to events that occur automatically. Email notifications and actions can be automatically generated, and Imaginatik can configure custom workflow events to suit your needs. See the Designing & Building Workflows section for more details.


Project Reports opens up a sophisticated query builder where any combination of project data with and/or logic can be used to create one-click reports. Reports can also be saved for later use with a single click. Report results can also be exported to Excel, helping you to combine the data from Results Engine with other sources.

What happened to my ideas?

Projects are typically based on one or more ideas from an earlier Innovation Central event. The Ideas tab shows several ways to display and find where those ideas are now.

My Ideas and Ideas by Event display ideas in a large table; clicking the underlined idea title will show the idea in the full context of the project that contains it. All tables in Results Engine are sortable (by clicking column titles) and exportable to Excel. Search Ideas will show a subset of ideas based on author, original Innovation Central event, or free-text search.

Ideas are also visible from within a project, from where you can link back to the original idea, to give you all of the original context for the project.