Results Engine opens at the Home tab, which displays a rich dashboard with the status of projects and any actions you may have. All projects have a basic set of descriptors (type, sponsoring group, strategic initiative) and properties (value, percent completion) which are summarised on the Dashboard.

You can edit the layout of the Dashboard in the Admin space. The toolbox, in conjunction with the properties box, allows you to add new sections and portlets. Existing sections and portlets can be dragged to new positions.

The screenshot below shows the properties for a pie chart portlet. You can configure the data source to be any of the numeric fields on the project form, select the groupings and choose your colors (your company may have a convention you'd like to follow here).

As you can see above, Actions can also be displayed prominently on the Dashboard, so that people can see what they need to work on as soon as they open the page. This can be used in concert with workflows to keep projects moving and people aware of what needs to be done next.