Password Settings

When initially setting up your Innovation Central environment, work with the Support team to determine the strength of your passwords.  Some of the options include:

  • Setting a minimum password character length 
  • Automatically expiring passwords after a specified number of days
  • Allowing a minimum number of re-tries when logging in
  • Not allowing passwords to be reused once a password expires
  • Enforcing password quality (using capitals, numbers, special characters, etc)

As your team thinks through the password convention, it's important to balance simplicity for the users with security for your innovation-related content.  No matter how simple, there will always be a need for some users to recover their passwords and the following settings support that need.

Password Recovery

This offers any additional guidance for those logging in to the system.  Password recovery is completely self-service for your users, so consider any special guidance or contact information for those who have self registered.

Password Recovery Page Text is where you can provide guidance and information when users are trying to recover a password.  The default text is included in the form as shown, and can be adjusted to provide guidance specific to your program.  When users submit a request for password recovery, an email is sent to the email contained in the user's Profile document.

Password Recovery Email

This is where you configure the email sent to the user after requesting password assistance.  The individual is first given the self-created password hint.  If that doesn't help, then the second link initiates a request for a password reset.  If there isn't a password hint in the user's Profile document, then a random password is sent immediately.


Multiple Emails with a single profile

When running open innovation use cases with the public, it's possible that some people may forget they've registered, and therefore register twice.  In this scenario, where the password recovery is requested, the individual receives an email informing of the duplicate Profiles and asks the requestor to select the correct Profile.  Once the Profile is selected,  an email with the appropriate password hint is sent.

Password Reset Confirmation

This is the email sent along with resetting a password.  You have the option to add things such as the name of your program, contact information and anything else that may help your users.