Filtered Report

On the Reports Tab you can run reports of up to 1,000 people within the Profiles module.  For larger reports, we recommend using the Export / Upload tab. 

 For Profiles data by challenge, we recommend using either the Global Dashboard or the Custom Reports within each instance.

Filter reports by specific Profile identifiers by clicking  the blue Choose link, as shown above.  A list of all Profiles identifiers available in the selected categories displays.  Select any of the identifiers displayed in the Sort Order field to customize the report.

First Access


First Access shows when individuals first accessed your Innovation Central  environment.  Each date with a first access is shown, with each individual listed under that date.  Additionally, the green bar at the top shows the total number of individuals who have accessed the system.


When using Innovation Central's Points system, the scoreboard shows a list of everyone who has received points across all challenges.  For example, Teresa Harrison has the most points at 3,600 and we see her profiles identifiers Location (Tower); Department (Facilities) and City (Shanghai).   Click the user's name to open the Profile document.