Custom Feeds offer the opportunity to present different perspectives to your Portal.  It's simple to add RSS Feeds, Blogs and Twitter accounts to be presented.  For example, to keep up with consumer trends, use a Twitter feed like @trendwatching.  To expose people to technology, consider a feed like the Mashable blog.  For design perspectives, consider PSFK or Springwise.  

Don't forget to market or explain the purpose of your feed if it's not widely known.

1 - Feed Options

When adding or editing a custom feed, you'll need the URL of the blog or RSS, or the Username of the Twitter account.  Give the feed a title to appear on the Portal page.

2 - Display Options

Choose how you'd like the feed to appear on the Portal and the icon to be associated with the feed. For example, using the Twitter bird icon makes it immediately recognizable as a Twitter feed.