Items Display is where the challenges, Results Engine and Ask the Audience links are configured to appear on the Portal.

To add any of these, click Add an Item at the top of the page.

To edit any of these, simply select the item to be edited from the appropriate list (Innovation Central Events, Ask The Audience Forums or Results Engine Instances).  

Once you choose either Edit or Add, the following menu is presented:

1 Item Option

Choose whether you'd like to display a Challenge (event), Results Engine or Ask the Audience.

2 Event Settings (Settings)

This menu will adjust depending upon which option you've chose in Item Option.  Here, the Challenge (event) options are shown.  For example, you'll choose the URL to take the users to when clicking on the link, you can choose to display associated statistics & dates.

3 Display Options

Using display options, you can decide in what order each of the items needs to be displayed.  You can also choose not to display the item on the portal until you are ready (such as the day a challenge is launched).