Portal Styles is where to set the Portal colors, logos and fonts associated with your program or company.  

1 Theme

Using the theme selector, you can design the number of columns and location of each section of the Portal.  Additionally, there are pre-configured themes that let you start from a color palette, if desired.

2 Global Navigation

Allows you to set the colors for the very top navigation bar (which contains Portal, "Logged in as", etc)

3 Banner

The Banner settings control the space between the global navigation and the navigation tabs.  Here you can set colors and logos in line with your program and/or company branding.

4 Navigation Bar

Controls the colors associated with the navigational tabs.

5 Main Content

Controls the colors associated with the content shown on the main page of the Portal as selected by the user, such as link colors, link hover colors, etc.

6 Footer

Controls the colors and fonts associated with your footer text.  This may be helpful if highlighting a confidentiality message on your portal.