Login Page Configuration

1 - Languages

If you're using Innovation Central in a language other than English, gives you an opportunity to select the language.  To learn more about available languages, please contact [email protected]

2 - Basic Setup

  • Window Title - this title appears in the user's browser tab.  A best practice is to use the program name, such as Welcome to Innovation Central, for internal applications.  For external applications, including the company name such as Imaginatik's Innovation Central, can also be helpful.
  • General Guidance - offer short, descriptive instruction to your audience as needed for the specific use.  Some suggestions include, remember your password is case sensitive, or click New User if you've not yet registered for this site.
  • User ID Field Label & User ID Extension appear to the left and right of the User ID field.  This can be used to specify important information associated with the User ID Field such as, Employee ID, etc. when using a common User ID convention.
  • Password Field Label appears to the left of the password box.  Best practice is to leave this "password"
  • Login Button Label allows you to change the name of the button to suit your use case.
  • Lost Password Link gives you a chance to name the link as shown in the example.  We've also seen Forgot Password? Click Here.
  • Auto-Complete for User ID & Password.  Gives users the chance to use the "remember me" functions in their browsers.  Note:  the browsers must be enabled to support this feature & in some companies the standard is to disable this function.

3 - Login Styles

Login Styles controls the appearance of your login page.

4 - Registration

When using Self Registration, provide brief instructions for those registering.  You can also name the link, such as Click Here to Register.

5 - Help

You can provide additional instruction and / or contact information should someone need help beyond what is available on the Login.  

6 - Login Footer

This optional field can give you an opportunity to provide information in reference to confidentiality.  Once people do login, they can also be presented with a Terms of Use, so this may be unnecessary in your use case.


Login Files Configuration:

Login Files is simply a place to store the images used in your Login - such as a company logo.  Click Add New File to add a new image.


SSO Redirection Configuration:

1 - SSO Server

Enter the URL for the redirection page.  Typically, it is the Imaginatik team who completes this work during the setup process for SSO.

2 - Error Messages

These messages will appear only when using Single Sign On (SSO), should an error occur.  What is important to consider is how the person using the system will get help.  For example, do you want to refer them to a help desk email?  A phone number? etc.   

3 - JIT

This message will only appear when using Just In Time (JIT) provisioning of profiles.  This is specifically displayed when a new user comes into the system, the profile is created and the appropriate access is given.


Login Module Styles Configuration

Gives the ability to style the login administration menu to be similar to the Innovation Central instances.  Only Administrators will see this, so very few teams actually configure these styles.  See Styles for guidance on the specific options.


Admin Access

To give Administrator Access to Login to other people, start typing their name and select from the resulting drop down menu as shown: