The Innovation Central Ask the Audience module provides a forum for your user community to ask and answer each other's questions.

Large companies often struggle to quickly connect people who have questions or problems with those who can help. Without a formal support channel, employees feel lost and remain unaware of the expertise available to them – resulting in wasted time, money, and failed projects.

Ask the Audience is an online, self-service Q&A tool that quickly connects employees with experts throughout the organization. Over time Ask the Expert forums become a rich reference for best practices, employee knowledge and answers to frequent questions.

Ask the Audience is another resource that innovation executives and sponsors can add to their problem-solving toolbox. Not all problems or questions warrant the rigor of an Innovation Central challenge; sometimes a problem can be summarized in a few sentences and easily answered by many people throughout the organization. In these cases, Ask the Audience is natural compliment to Innovation Central. It’s a lightweight forum for connecting people with small, tactical problems with people who can help. If it turns out the answer doesn’t exist yet, then Innovation Central can be used to invent the answer.

Ask the Audience helps participants save valuable time when they have a question they know someone in the organization can answer, but they don’t know whom to ask. By posting their question in Ask the Audience they can quickly and simultaneously get answers from a large group of experts – instead of sending mass emails or making random phone calls in search of experts.

Subject matter experts also save time by using Ask the Audience and their expertise becomes more accessible throughout the organization. They can answer a question once and their knowledge is then recorded and immediately available to everyone.