Definition & History.mp4


A challenge is a time-limited, on-line, crowd-sourcing event that targets a specific business outcome. The Challenge Method is the way to successfully execute a challenge.


The Challenge Method was developed over time and experience during the same time social media and social media for the enterprise emerged. Influencing the business environment at the time was the shift from Six Sigma thinking to infusing Innovation to drive business value. Imaginatik recognized the value of online collaboration, and sought to harness that power to focus on solving business problems.

As one might expect, the first iteration was simply to take the well-known suggestion box online to improve efficiency. It didn’t take long for executives and employees alike to recognize that an online suggestion box method had the same problems that already existed with suggestion boxes:

  • Ideas were not in line with existing business issues or strategic objectives.
  • If a strong idea comes along, it takes time, effort and energy to find someone who “wants” the idea.
  • There was no well-defined process of idea ownership.
  • Because of the lack of process, ideas were not responded to in a timely manner, and the suggestion box (on or off line) was ineffective.

Imaginatik’s Foundational Challenge Method was developed to solve for these weaknesses and drive business value. This method is built into the heart of Innovation Central, and has uncovered key lessons learned to share with innovation practitioners.