Page Location:Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Archiving 
Playbook Section: Conclude, Report and Close

This page contains settings specific to the Archive Space and the Innovation Central Warehouse. For more information on the Innovation Central Warehouse, contact your Imaginatik Consultant.

Archiving is the process of moving Ideas out of the current challenge and into either the Archive Space or to the Warehouse module. Archiving allows you to free up the instance to run a new challenge. The archive process moves all Ideas, comments, expert reviews, reviews, conclusions and FlexForms. Any voting data is not transferred. Also note that Ideas cannot be reviewed or concluded after the archive process, so ensure these are complete prior to initiating an archive.

Archived challenges can be moved back into the challenge by using the Unarchive option in the Archive Space. Ideas in the Archive Space or Warehouse can be moved to any challenge using the Copy/Move Idea function from the Actions menu in the Collaborate Space. 


Field Descriptions

Display Archive Tab: Determines whether the Archive Space is viewable and if it is, then to which users.

Schedule: When the archive will occur. 

Destination: Whether archived documents should go to the Archive Space or the Warehouse.

Challenges: Whether challenges (the focused challenge questions) should be included in the archive or left in the instance.

Concluded Ideas: Whether concluded Ideas should be included in the archive or left in the instance. It is recommended that unconcluded Ideas be left in the instance since they cannot be concluded after they are archived.